About Us
As it’s name implies ‘Lilliput Lodge’ is an attractive ‘lodge’ purposefully designed for little people!
As its name implies Lilliput Lodge is and attractive lodge purposefully designed for little people!
We are registered by Ofsted as a 50 place day nursery for children aged 0-5 years. We are the first nursery in Sandwell to achieve Quality Assurance for the high standards of care and education we offer. Our Equal Opportunity Policy promotes full inclusion.
It is our primary aim at Lilliput Lodge to nurture children in a happy, safe and stimulating environment, growing together and learning from each other. With our 'child centred' approach, we as parents ourselves, feel the importance of giving children the freedom of expression and choice to grow and develop at their own pace, discovering their individual interests and independence.
We, as skilled Early Years Educators, understand that supporting your child socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually and extending your child’s rapid development during the critical early years, is essential for encouraging good relationship building and a positive attitude to learning.
Set in acres of recreational grounds, we can be found on the edge of an unspoilt woodland and nature reserve. Therefore, as we value the importance of exploration, our curriculum is able to offer the perfect opportunity for outdoor adventures where children can experience their natural world. Within each of our base rooms you will find a large tree which is the focal point for our planning! There are four strands or ‘'branches' to our educational offer at Lilliput Lodge. These are Imagination, Exploration, Experimentation and Investigation. We believe that by focusing on these four areas and threading the EYFS within each one that we can truly help our children to grow and fulfil their potential through an engaging and exciting provision!
As well as fun learning outdoors, our extensive facilities inside the nursery include carefully planned areas for all age groups to enjoy! Fully equipped to encourage your child’s imagination through art, science, drama, music, P.E., role-play and much more!